The following reports provide much of the foundational rationale for our fundraising and investment thesis. Click on the summary to get the link to the original report.

DeepTech Investing Report
By DifferentFunds. Increased investment in frontier technologies is critical to solving some of the most important challenges we face in the 21stcentury – such as developing carbon-negative technologies, creating a

The Future of Nuclear Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World
By the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) on Sept. 3, 2019. How can the world achieve the deep carbon emissions reductions that are necessary to slow or reverse the impacts of

Energy Futures Initiative: Green Real Deal
The Green Real Deal (GRD) is an actionable framework for meeting deep decarbonization of energy and associated systems by midcentury in ways that minimize costs, maximize economic opportunities, accelerate solutions,

Assessing ExxonMobil’s Climate Change Communications
To view the evidence supporting this, click on the inage below to access Professor Geoffrey Supran’s presentation.

The Investment Gap that Threatens the Planet
By Scott P. Burger, Fiona Murray, Sarah Kearney & Liqian Ma, Stanford Social Innovation Review / Winter2018 The authors argue that investments in early- and late-stage solutions are complementary and

Role of Firm Low-Carbon Electricity Sources
Mitigating climate change while fueling economic growth requires decarbonizing the electricity sector at reasonable cost. Some strategies focus on wind and solar energy, supported by energy storage and demand flexibility.