Spain’s business lobby seeks nuclear extension
Spain’s top business lobby groups called for extending the use of the country’s nuclear plants, a move that was first proposed by the conservative People’s Party (PP) and which became

Marc Andreessen’s Pronuclear Techno-Optimism
Marc Andreessen, Cofounder and General Partner of Andreessen Horowitz, a phenomenally-successful $35 billion venture capital firm dubbed “a16z,” has shared a litany of views of where humanity is and where

Large Investors doubling down on Emerging Managers
Jessica Mathews, writing for the Fortune Term Sheet Newsletter, alerted us to the change just made by CalSTRS, one of the largest pension funds in the world. In “CalSTRS taps

What’s NEXT? Coal to Nuclear transition
John Kerry, working on the sidelines of US Climate Action, announced the winners of Project Phoenix and a new US initiative called NEXT, short for Nuclear Expediting the Energy Transition

World is on track to miss climate targets
UN warns that the world will miss climate targets unless fossil fuels are phased out, according to an article in The Guardian by Environmental Editor, Fiona Harvey. This is a

Montana Judge rules in favor of having a livable future
Montana Judge Kathy Seely invalidated as unconstitutional the so-called “limitation” to the Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA), which was amended by the legislature this year, in House Bill 971 as

ADVANCE Act Clears Senate
The ADVANCE Act, included in the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) by the Senate, was passed by the Senate in an 86-11 bipartisan vote. The NDAA now must be

Sweden adopts “100% fossil-free” target
Sweden has done something very few countries or jurisdictions have done with respect to energy: they have kept their eye on the goal. The Swedish Parliament adopted an energy target