What’s the big idea?
The Winter edition of Issues in Science and Technology has published a selection of very thoughtful essays from some of our smartest and most successful investors and academics. In a

Energy Sprawl is Impacting Open Spaces
American energy demand already has posed huge impacts on land use but, as we transition to ever more dilute forms of energy, primarily solar, wind and biofuels, the land required

Molten salt, not new but renewed
The Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) achieved criticality on June 1, 1965, having taken about two years and a total of $80 million to build. In 1968, it became the first

Nuclear power paves the only viable path forward on climate change
James Hansen, Kerry Emanuel, Ken Caldeira and Tom Wigley co-authored an article entitled Nuclear power paves the only viable path forward on climate change, that was published by The Guardian

Obama launched the Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear
Nuclear power generated 60 percent of carbon-free electricity in 2014 and the Obama Administration was committed to combating climate change using all means, including nuclear. The continued development of new

Obama hosts White House Summit on Nuclear Energy
President Barack Obama hosted a White House Summit on Nuclear Energy just prior to his trip to Paris, France for the UNFCCC’s COP 21, the Paris Conference of the Parties,

Pope issues landmark encyclical on climate
The following prayer, coming at the end of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home, sums up much of the 246 paragraphs of exhortation which comprise the

What it takes to reverse climate change
Ross Koningstein and David Fork, armed with the resources of Google, Inc., set out in an effort that was known as “RE<C” to assess and support the development of renewable