DNC draft climate platform includes nuclear power

A draft of the Democratic Party’s policy platform backs aggressive climate change proposals to reach net-zero emissions as quickly as possible using a technology-neutral approach that values “existing and advanced nuclear” alongside other methods.

The draft language specifically says: “recognizing the urgent need to decarbonize the power sector, our technology-neutral approach is inclusive of all zero-carbon technologies, including hydroelectric power, geothermal, existing and advanced nuclear, and carbon capture and storage.”  Methods include challenging “the best and brightest scientists, innovators, and entrepreneurs in the world to pursue breakthrough opportunities in . . . direct air capture and net-negative emissions technologies. We will advance innovative technologies that create cost-effective pathways for industries to decarbonize, including carbon capture and sequestration that permanently stores greenhouse gases . . .”

Read more analysis of the platform by Timothy Cama at E&E News: “DNC draft Climate platform more progressive than 2016.”

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