Converting Coal Plants into Nuclear Plants
The coal-to-nuclear (C2N) transition was the subject of study conducted by eight scientists from the Idaho National Lab, Argonne National Lab and Oak Ridge National Labs during 2022. They looked
An Affordable Advanced Nuclear-Focused Climate Fund
The coal-to-nuclear (C2N) transition was the subject of study conducted by eight scientists from the Idaho National Lab, Argonne National Lab and Oak Ridge National Labs during 2022. They looked
A team of consultants from Lucid Catalyst assembled a report to show how nuclear energy helps meet all 17 of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and provide suggestions for how
Continue readingBeautiful Nuclear: Driving Deep Decarbonization
The International Energy Agency (IEA), whose mandate is to examine the full spectrum of energy issues and advocate policies that will enhance the reliability, affordability and sustainability of energy for its
THe Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) published a report on State Legislation and Regulations Support Nuclear Energy in January 2022. This report reflects efforts by policymakers across the U.S. to accelerate
Continue readingStatus of State Legislation Supporting Nuclear Energy
A team of remarkable energy experts from MIT and Stanford University, using no fossil fuel funding, conducted an assessment of Diablo Canyon to look at the question of whether or
Continue readingAn Assessment of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), produced this report as part of a project called “Enhancing understanding of the implications and opportunities of moving to carbon neutrality in
Continue readingUNECE’s Life Cycle Assessment of Electricity Generation Options
The International Energy Agency (IEA), whose mandate is to examine the full spectrum of energy issues and advocate policies that will enhance the reliability, affordability and sustainability of energy for its
This report provides a decade-long vision for the field of fusion energy and plasma science and presents a path to a promising future of new scientific discoveries, industrial applications, and,
Mitigating climate change while fueling economic growth requires decarbonizing the electricity sector at reasonable cost. Some strategies focus on wind and solar energy, supported by energy storage and demand flexibility.